Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thoughts... to inspire your day!

Came across an email from a brother in Christ....
The power point presentation really did brighten up my day....
Sharing here with the thoughts of good...
Hope you'll be inspired too....

Christians aren't made
- they are in the making.

God mightily uses Christians
why stay cool in a hot place,
sweet in a sour place,
and little in a big place.

People have a way of becoming
what you encourage them to be,
not what you nag them to be.

Other people don't make you what you are;
they only reveal what you are.

Clouds in our lives are sent
to bring showers of blessings.

To reach the port of Heaven
we must sail sometimes with the wind,
sometimes against it; but we must sail,
not drift or lie at anchor.

The next time the Devil
reminds you of your past,
remind him of his future.

Patience is accepting a difficult
situation from God without giving
Him a deadline to remove it.

To realize the worth of the anchor,
we need to feel the storm.

Sometimes the Lord calms the storm;
sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child.

Faith is not shelter from difficulties but
belief in the face of all contradictions.

Faith makes the uplook good,
the outlook bright,
the future glorious.

Worry pulls tomorrow's cloud
over today's sunshine.

Worry is the senseless process of
allowing leftover problems from yesterday
to distract you today and clutter up
tomorrow's opportunities.

You can't trust and worry at the same time.

Enjoy the little things.
One day you may look back
and realize that they were
the big things.

It is wonderful what God can
do with a broken heart,
if He gets all the pieces.

In God's rules of success,
you must stoop to rise,
go down to get up,
and shrink to grow.

When you pray for God's guidance,
do not complain if it is different
from your preference.

Looking on the bright side of life
will never cause eyestrain.

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