今天在公司開了 MSN, 看到一些朋友也在...
干妹妹寫了一些字... 我寧可她不寫來....
" che che"
" yup!"
" my dad cancer came back again"
突然... 心裡一沉... 念頭閃過的是... "怎麼會這樣呢?"
" HUH!!! what's the status now?"
" bad"
" how bad?"
" thursday will get confirmed answer. not sure - could be few more months to go"
她說的這些話, 是曾相似....
" what happen? why so sudden?"
" long story, not sudden"
" i thought last time already done operation, and his condition than was good right?
" yes - but u know this old people - they are very stuborn, feel a little better refuse to go for check up. and this time he went for check up was because he lost so much weight and cannot eat"
想起了..... 他... 當初也不是這樣走來的嗎....
" that's how he found out huh! is this the final stage of cancer?"
" yes.... sort of.... we hope not.... but... "
" take it well sis.... how's dad taking it? if the cancer cell havent spread, there should still be hope right?"
" i hope so, dad obviously not feelling good, and now regret for not listening to us, but what to do"
" do spend more time with him, this is the time where he needed support the most.. no matter how strong a man can be... try to lead him to a more optimistic mindset... it won't cure the sickness.. but definately will help on making his life better"
當初... 看到心目中的英雄倒了....
當初... 看到心目中的英雄哭了....
當初... 看到心目中的英雄無奈的認輸了....
英雄開始變得軟弱.... 變得脆弱.... 失去意識.... 失去.............. 生命.........
我真的不想我們兩姐妹, 必須面對同一個命運! 我不想!!!!!
開始來到這個陌生的環境... 來到一個新的生活... 認識了這個妹妹... 也認識她全家人....
還記得以前她和她爸爸總是開著他的的士來載我... 然後一同去 ss2 吃早餐... "火腿香腸"... 有空就去她家玩... 她爸爸待我像女兒般... 雖然和她爸爸不親, 但縱然生起的親切感是不可抹煞的!
離開校園后, 許久都沒見面的 uncle, 有時在街道上偶然碰到他載著客人, 他也會特意駕到我車旁讓我意識他的存在... 純粹是打個招呼而已.... 然後就會聽到一聲熟悉用廣東話念我的名字....
可以嗎? 可以嗎............
妹妹說他瘦了.... 我知道如果我看到.... 我一定會忍不住.........
拜四報告才會出來, 祈求有轉變.... 轉變病情可以逐漸康復.... 祈求他的身體能安康.... 祈求奇蹟的兌現....
我.... 該說什麼..........
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